Thursday, June 21, 2007

HPCPAL München – Day 1

#005 Should be impressed, but not

Not exactly München but Unterschleiβheim. It is a small and quiet town (village) between München and the München Airport.

Location superb! Training is in the hotel where we stay. There was one real problem! No free internet access?! We had to purchase internet access at the front desk of the hotel!

The agenda was:
· Introduction to High Performance Computing
· Windows Compute Cluster Server 2003 Overview
· Intro to verticals using Compute Clusters
· Into to third party applications capable of running on Compute Clusters
· Topologies of Compute clusters
· Intro to Interconnects/networking
· Intro to storage technology for HPC implementations
· Installing and configuring Compute Clusters
· Managing Compute Clusters

As we were late on start the first four (4) bullets were not delivered.

The guys from MS wanted to impress us! They bought eight (8) clusters with them! Eight four (4) node blade systems! Nice, but it made us more problems than use.

The blades were not prepared on time. We could not effectively connect to them. There were not prepared drivers for the system. Big heat and noise produced by the blades. Etc.

It would be better to have a set of virtual machines to do the labs. Later on we got an implicit (never spoken out) answer why the labs were not on virtual machines. MS Virtual Server or Virtual PC does not support 64 bit guest OSs and MS does not use vmware Workstation or Server for their presentations. Logical, isn’t it?!

On the other side, the talks, the knowledge of the guys were superb. Tips and trick, what’s supported and what’s not (but working), what and how, etc. Hats down!

(To be continued…)

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